Caravan Comparison

Wondering what's included in each Red Centre caravan? This helpful comparison chart allows you to see what features are found in every one of our models, from the Newell to the Oasis.

Every Red Centre caravan comes with the following features as standard:

*Available in certain layouts

In addition to the standard features of a Red Centre caravan, every Newell+ includes the following: 

In addition to the standard features of a Red Centre caravan, every Kimberley caravan includes the following: 

In addition to the standard features of a Red Centre caravan, and those of the Kimberley, every Kimberley+ caravan includes the following: 

In addition to the standard features of a Red Centre caravan, every Tanami caravan includes the following: 

In addition to the standard features of a Red Centre caravan, and those of the Tanami, every Tanami+ caravan includes the following: 

In addition to the standard features of a Red Centre caravan, every Oasis caravan includes the following: 

*Available only in certain models

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